Tuesday, March 25, 2008

March challenge photos

March challenge items:

Starbucks cardboard coffee sleeve

Bamboo skewer

Plastic drink bottle lid

Pearl flower button


Yvette's project - Escape!

The 12x12 canvas was painted with acrylic paints and then flower embellishments were added. The bottle cap is used to lift the Starbuck's image off the canvas

Cheri's project

Dana's project - C cup lady

The bottle cap was crushed and used in the tree trunk, the burlap was pulled apart and used in the dress, the coffee sleeve was cut apart and used in the belt and descriptive words, the bamboo skewer was also used in the belt

Kathy's project - Sunny Side Up Magnet.

Sherry's project - envelope book

The Starbuck's sleeve was used to make the "beads", the bottle top is that little nob on the spine with the bead sewn on top and bamboo skewers were used to be the spine of the book.

Yvonne's project - flower pot decoration

1 comment:

Melissa's Stampin' Spot said...

WOW love everything you guys did!! Awesome work by all!